Meet Shawn Clerf

My name Shawn Clerf and I am a Freemason.

I grew up in Ellensburg and went to school here, including a stint at the University. After graduating from EHS I joined the Army Reserves for six years, and (despite my consistent and ongoing shenanigans) somehow got my high school sweetheart to marry me. We have shared the last fourteen years together and have three kids to prove it.  I have also worked with Elmview assisting people with developmental disabilities live their life to the fullest for the past fourteen years, and I became a Freemason.

 I have been with Ellensburg Lodge No. 39 for twelve years now, having joined in January 2010, and served as Master of the lodge in 2019. I learned of the Freemasons in High school, piquing my interest for a short while, but it wouldn’t be until 2009 after reading Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol that I would renew my interest and search in earnest to find out for myself what Freemasonry was all about. I found Ellensburg’s lodge after looking online and managed to get in touch with some members who invited me to dinner, and gave me a petition to join after I asked. This turned out to be one of the best decisions in my life.

I have immensely enjoyed the symbolism, lessons, talks, and rituals that Freemasonry has provided; but what I have found to be the most valuable part of Freemasonry would be the fraternal relationships and friendships you can build here. The camaraderie between the members of this lodge is something that I look forward to every month, and bolsters us to better contribute back to community in which we are based. Freemasonry is about making good men better, and I feel that I am a better man because of Freemasonry.