Lodge Degree Work and Special Events:


Holy Royal Arch Degree – June 1st, 2024

York Rite Grand Sessions – May 9th, 2024

St. Alban’s Conclave – March 24th, 2024

Visit to Esoterika Lodge degree in Astoria Oregon

Ellensburg Council – Official Visit of the Illustrious Master – February 22, 2024


Ellensburg Stated Communication – December 20th, 2023

WB Micheal Smith is presented a Past Master Apron and Nick Henderson is presented a 40 year membership pin.


142nd Installation of Officers – Ellensburg Lodge – November 11th, 2023


Esoterika Lodge Installation of Officers – November 4th, 2023


Knights Templar Priests – October 28th, 2023


Knight of the Temple Degree – August 19th, 2023


Knight Mason Degree October 14th, 2023


Entered Apprentice Degree – Brother O’Brien Armstrong – September 18th, 2023


York Rite Picnic and Mark Master Degree July 15th, 2023


June Stated Communication – Apron presented to Ron Graham


York Rite Grand Sessions – March 12th 2023


March 27th, 2023

WB Ron Graham receiving an award for service to the Children’s Heart Foundation (a masonic charity)


Cryptic Council Degrees – March 31st, 2023


The 141st Annual Installation of Officers – December 17th 2022

WB Michael Smith, Bro Mik Munden and Jesse Maxwell – the three principle officers


District 21 Meeting at Zarthan Lodge in Leavenworth – November 14th 2022


Official Visit of the Grand Commander – November 3rd 2022

Sir Knights Steve Dazy, Shawn Clerf, Mik Munden and Daryl Bullard


York Rite Degree Sept 2022

The Most Excellent Master Degree

Grand Lodge June 10th 2022


Dinner before the Stated Communication April 29th, 2022

Gene, Shawn, Evan, Ron, Bill, Mik, Nick, Jesse and Wayne at the Ellensburg Pasta Co.


Masonic Funeral June 27th, 2022

A Masonic Funeral Service at the Roslyn Cemetery for WB Mik Davies


Mark Master Degree – March 5th, 2022

Jesse Maxwell and Elery Kabina (the two holding keystones) were the candidates. Brothers from Yakima and CleElum assisted, it was pretty fun. It is nice to get back to something closer to a normal Masonic Life.

A night for Knights!

Temple Commandery No. 5 March 3rd, 2022

A visit to Naches Lodge 211 – February 9th, 2022

Entered Apprentice Degree – January 18th, 2022

Mr. Marty Blankson, now a brother, received the Entered Apprentice Degree. Evan Jones Conferred the degree. Marty is left of the ancient chart and Evan is to the right wearing the hat of the Master of the Lodge.

Back at it in person – somewhat….

We have been holding in-person meetings for several months now. All of the rules have changed a bunch over time. But here’s the thing, Ellensburg #39 survived the 1918 pandemic and will make it through this one as well.

Installation of Officers January 8, 2022

York Rite Degree Festival in Wenatchee Washington – October 30th, 2021

Fellow Craft Degree – November 26th, 2021

Bro. Brad Rassmusen is in the center wearing his white apron as a Fellow Craft Mason. WB Kyle Tynan of Naches lodge delivered the lecture (shown far right) and we appreciate his efforts..

York Rite Degree Festival

in Wenatchee Washington – October 30th, 2021

Brothers Jeramie Hidrod, Jeremy Wholers, Mik Munden, WB Marc Fairbanks and VWB Daryl Bullard are all somewhere in this picture as they are about to receive the Knight of the Temple Degree. Lots of interesting things in the degree, for sure.

York Rite Mason’s

Childrens Heart Foundation – Charity

Check this Out! There is a story about this event in the ‘Charitable Activities’ section of the website.
4th from the left is Ron Graham of Ellensburg and they are giving money to help kids!

  On 4/21/2021 – The lodge held a ZOOM stated communication and elected officers.

VWB Patrick Stanton – Secretary
How the heck this happened, I don’t know.  I guess I am the secretary again.  Still, when I think back I have probably attended about 275 stated and special communications of Ellensburg #39 and can only remember 1 or 2 bad meetings.  So that makes like 99.3% good adventures with the lodge.  I am grateful for that experience and am proud of our lodge!



On 5/31/2019 Brother Jesse Maxwell:

Completed his proficiency as a Master Mason.

He is shown here with Matt Panattoni, his coach.

He is also proud of his Masonic Ink.

The portrait below the Square and Compasses is of his

grandfather, Jeff Bartow.

Jeff was a member of our Lodge.

He was also the Master of Myrtle in 1986.

To the left is a picture of Jeff in 1986 and below is

Jesse’s Grandfather Horace Bartow who also

served as Master of Myrtle Lodge.



On 5/15/2019 The Lodge Hosted:

Our Scholarship Winner and Her Family to dinner and presented a check.




On 4/15/2019 Our Brother Reid Burbank

was initiated to the degree of an Entered Apprentice Mason.

WB Tedd Hansen conferred the degree.



Some time this spring…

A couple of our Lodge Brothers noticed this in a display at the local middle school.

We host tours of the building fairly often, to share the history of Ellensburg.

A class that toured in the fall made this replica of the building.

There is a model of the Davidson Building in the display as well.

These are two of the oldest buildings in town.


They did a good job!  Check it out, the door is labeled “OPEN”.



On 4/3/2019 The Ellensburg Lodge:

Hosted a reception for the Grand Master of

The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Washington

MWB James Kendall



On 3/22/2019 Some of Our Brothers:

John Wilson, Pat Stanton and Mathew Panattoni

Traveled to Visit Bob Johnston.

John is 100 years old and has a hard time attending meetings.

We needed to extend a thank you for a substantial

donation he made to the Lodge.



On 3/20/2019 Our Brother John Wilson

Was Presented with a Certifiate

that he had successfully completed the

Grand Lodge of Washington

“Proficiancy In Lodge Management” Program.

Congrats John! 

Not many have completed this program,

it is quite an achievement for the good of the Lodge.


There is always a little goofing off….

At Left  is a picture of our ancient Mark Book!

On 3/2/2019 The Royal Arch Chapter

conferred the Mark Master Degree:

Justin Vincett of Ellensburg #39


Jeremy Wohlers and Jeramie Himrod

Of Cobalt #24  in Yakima

were each enrolled as Mark Masters.


On 12/28/2018 Our Brothers:

Shane Early and Jesse Maxwell

were each raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason.  WB Patrick Stanton conferred the degree.





On 12/12/2018 The Lodge held its annual Christmas Dinner and Installation of Officers.

It was a good family event complete with food, cake and gifts for the children.

In keeping with tradition the cake was wrong again.  It should have read “Happy 136th Year” as this was the 136th annual installation of Officers for Ellensburg #39.

The Brother elected to serve the Lodge as Master for the year, Shawn Clerf, is shown to the left along with the installing master WB Tedd Hansen.  This is an ancient ceremony where Shawn swears to serve the lodge to the best of his ability and Tedd explains to him all of the duties incumbent upon the master of a lodge.

Tedd delivered an excellent lecture on the duties of the master.  It really is interesting stuff.



On 9/11/2018 Our Brother Shane Early was passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft Mason.  WB Marco Thompson conferred the degree.



On 7/25/2018 Patrick Stanton was installed as District Deputy Grand Master for District 20. (click the picture).





On 6/9/2018 Wayne Erickson was presented a lifetime achievement plaque at the annual Grand Lodge meeting.

Wayne had served on the Grand Lodge Finance Committee for 27 years!

The Annual Grand Lodge (meeting) is the governing body for all lodges in this jurisdiction (Washington State.)



On 6/1/2018 The Lodge Presented Bicycles to Mt. Stuart School students.  The bikes were used as an incentive for students who participated in the school’s reading program.  We call it “Bikes for Books”, and it is a great program and a lot of fun.

 a little charity………

mason penny



On 5/23/2018 The Lodge conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree.  The candidate was Jesse Maxwell.  Jesse is the grandson of a long-time member and Past Master of the Lodge, Jeff Bartow.





On 5/16/2018 The Lodge hosted our scholarship winner Skler Smith and her family to dinner at the Pasta company and presented her with a large check! We also gave her a regular, bank sized, check.





On 5/16/2018 The Lodge also recognized VWB Robert J. Johnston for 70 years of membership in Ellensburg No. 39!

Bob was not feeling well enough to make it to the temple, so we took the lodge to him.  (To be masonically clear, we were called to refreshment).

We presented him with a commemorative clock, thanked him for all of his hard work over the years and shared a celebratory cake!

Bob will turn 100 in September,

70th is just as a Mason

This was the best lodge meeting ever!






On 5/3/2018, Temple Commandery #5 hosted a visit from the Grand Commander of Washington.

Knights traveled from all over Washington to attend, and we certainly appreciate it.

We also has a brief ceremony to return Bob Johnston’s Grand Commander Jewel to the Grand Secretary.  These have been held by many knights over the years.





On 3/10/2018, A meeting of The Knight Masons was held in the Ellensburg Temple.

The event was well attended by masons from all over the Great North West.






On 3/2/2018, The Lodge hosted a visit by the Grand Master of Washington State.

The event was well attended by masons in this part of Washington State.






On 2/19/2018, The Lodge conferred the Fellow Craft Degree.  The candidate was Bro. Mathew Panattoni.

Worshipful Brother Marco Thompson conferred the degree.

VWB Tedd Hansen delivered the lecture.  Each degree contains a part called “the lecture”.  The lecture furnishes the candidate with information as to what the degree means.






On 1/27/2018, The Lodge participated in the conferral of the Master Mason Degree.  The Degree took place in CleElum and was held for Bro. Mark Fairbanks.




Royal Arch Masons

Ellensburg Chapter 11

On 12/19/2017 The York Rite Chapter elected Companion Andrew Caveness to serve as High Priest for the ensuing year.

The Lodge has a very long history with the Royal Arch Degree. The Chapter was actually chartered 1 year before the lodge.  That would have been 1881, for those playing along at home.

Here he is along with a painting of George Washington.  Bro. George Washington was one of the first Royal Arch Masons in America.





On 12/20/2017 Past Master Scott Randall was presented with a commemorative apron.  This is a token from the Lodge as a sincere “thank you” for his service.






On 12/9/2017 The Lodge held the annual Christmas Party!

The Lodge held a family event to celebrate Christmas, St. John’s Day and the winter Solstice.  Many wives and Children were in attendance.

We have been performing some work on the temple building and so the dining room was under construction.  Please excuse our mess!

Click on the pictures for larger views…..





On 12/9/2017 The annual installation of Officers was held, just prior to our annual Christmas Party.

It was an “open installation” meaning family and guests could attend.

This is an ancient ceremony that includes all of the normal masonic stuff like a flag salute and a prayer, but it also has something very specific and important.

Each office of the lodge, whether elected or appointed, is informed of his duties and responsibilities and is required to swear that he will carry them out, to the best of his ability.

It is also pretty fun!

Click on the pictures for larger views…..




On 11/15/2017 Our Brother and Master Elect Austin Marshall presented the Lodge with a Plaque that he had acquired in South America.  The artist was also a brother of the fraternity!





On 11/13/2017   Our Brother and friend Bob Johnston participated in the veteran’s day parade by driving his WWII era jeep.  Bob has been a member of our lodge for nearly 70 years!  He is an inspiration to us all.





On 8/15/2017 The Lodge conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree.  The candidate (now brother) was Mr. Shane Early.





On 7/19/2017 The Lodge hosted our scholarship winner and her family to dinner at the Pasta company and presented her with a large check!  We also gave her a regular, bank sized, check.






On 5/22/2017 The Lodge delivered bicycles to the local school for our “books for bikes” program





Royal Arch Degree

Ellensburg Chapter

On 3/4/2017 The York Rite Chapter conferred the Holy Royal Arch Degree. The Candidate was our current Master of the Lodge Scott Randall.  This is a particularly enjoyable degree and one that we are proud to present when we get the opportunity.

We also get to use a lot of props and costumes like the one Andrew is shown in here.

The Lodge has a very long history with the Royal Arch Degree.  The Chapter was actually chartered 1 year before the lodge.  Here is an old and interesting Mark from a brother in 1922




New Lodge in Yakima!

On 3/3/2017 a new Lodge was consecrated in Yakima.  Cobalt Lodge is the name.  Since this even occurred in our district many members of #39 were in attendance. Most Worshipful Grand Master Jim Mendoza (wearing the hat) performed the ceremony. He addressed the Lodge and was warmly received.





Entered Apprentice Degree

On 2/9/2017 The Lodge conferred the Entered Apprentice degree for our new Brother Matthew Panattoni.  Matt is from a large local Ellensburg family and is currently the Chaplain for the local Hospice.





Annual Christmas Family Event

Ellensburg #39

On 12/21/2016 The Lodge held a family event to celebrate Christmas, St. John’s Day and the winter Solstice.  Many wives and Children were in attendance.  Austin, Scott and Tedd prepared most of the food.  There were presents for the children and a lot of fun was had by all.

We had Prime Rib for dinner donated by Ron and Travis!

The only ham in the whole place seems to have been Andrew Caveness.

Lots of Pictures!  Lots of Fun!




Annual Christmas Family Event

Ellensburg #39

More Pictures……


 mason penny

Washington Historic Trust

for Preservation Award

On 12/6/2016 Our brother Tedd Hansen was presented with a grant from the Historic Trust for preservation. The funds will be used for repairs to our historic Temple building.

This is the fourth grant Tedd has successfully gained for the lodge and they total about $15,000 for repairs and upgrades.  We are in debt to his efforts!




Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Preists

On 12/3/2016 Pat was installed as Recorder of the Knights Templar Priests.  Believe it or not, this is a role that Bob Johnston has held for 50 years.



York Rite Chapter Installation

On 12/3/2016 Our companion Ronald P. Graham was duly installed as High Priest of the Chapter.

grandmastervisit grandmastervisitb



Most Worshipful

Grand Master of Washington –

Visit to Ellensburg #39

On 11/16/2016 at our November stated communication Most Worshipful Grand Master Jim Mendoza  was in attendance.  He addressed the Lodge and was warmly received.





2017 Installation of Officers

On 11/12/2016 The Lodge held its 135th Annual Installation of Officers.

The Lodge has been observing this annual solemnity – word for word and unchanged – since before Washington was a State!


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3rd Annual Lodge Riffle Raffle.

On 9/4/2016 The Ellensburg Rodeo Queen drew the winning ticket for the Lodge Raffle.  This was another successful fund raiser and will allow us to continue the important work of maintaining our historic building.





Ellensburg Rodeo Parade

On 9/3/2016 A few of our brothers entered a float in the annual Rodeo Parade.   Austin Marshall rode in the float, well jeep, provided for the event by Bro. John Wilson.  The cowboy was our own VWB Nick Henderson. This was a good opportunity for exposure in the community, and was fun!

 cornerstone bacornerstone a cornerstone b  cornerstone baa cornerstone eafg cornerstone efg cornerstone efga cornerstone efgb cornerstone fg cornerstone g



Masonic Cornerstone


On 7/10/2016 at noon, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge performed a cornerstone ceremony for the Kittitas County Fire and Rescue facility.

A great time was enjoyed by all!

An assembly of Masons was opened, the masons marched to the fire and rescue center, performed the ancient ceremony, some speeches were given and we ate a cake!

Washington_laying_cornerstonecentralia monument prrof 3



Masonic Cornerstone


On 7/10/2016 at noon, the Lodge will perform a cornerstone ceremony for the  Kittitas County Fire and Rescue facility. 

If you have not seen something like this, come down.  It will be the same ceremony that George Washington performed when they laid the cornerstone for the US Capitol in 1793!

 The ceremony will be at the new Kittitas Valley Fire and Rescue Headquarters station at 400 E. Mountain View Ave

 john p wilson mm diploma smalljohn p wilson mm diploma large



Master Mason


On 6/15/2016 Our brother John P. Wilson was presented with a Lodge Diplomas. Worshipful Master of the Lodge M. Thompson (left) and John (right).  John had been waiting for a while. 


grand lodge in wenatchee 1 grand lodge in wenatchee 2grand lodge in wenatchee 3



Grand Lodge

of Washington

The Grand Lodge met in Wenatchee, Wa the second weekend in June. Ron, Wayne, Pat and Scott attended.

It is an interesting affair, this is the state governance body made up of representatives of all the lodges in Wa. They elect officers and vote on legislation that effects the rules for masons and lodges in Wa.

You can also buy mason ‘stuff’.


keeping it real KT No 5 Style brelic KT No 5 Stylekt degree one cancle snuffed b

York Rite

Degree Festival  – Wenatchee

On 4/29 and 4/30/2016

Some of us participated in the NW York Rite Degree Festival.  There were about 100 guys from the NW in attendance at the Wenatchee Masonic Center.

keeping it real chapter Style
keeping it real KT No 5 Style

Two whole days of York Rite Fun!
It was a serious couple of instructive and rewarding days, but the Eburg guys are dedicated to having fun and keeping it real!

keeping it real KT No 5 Style c


degre ra 4_9_2016c2RA Degree april 2016 laugh

Holy Royal Arch Degrees – York Rite

On 4/9/2016

The York Rite Chapter conferred the Holy Royal Arch degree upon companions Austin Marshall (holding Keystone), Shawn Clerf and Michael Smith.  It was a fun and rewarding day!


Most Excellent Master and Past Master Degrees – York Rite

On 2/24/2016

The York Rite Chapter conferred the degrees of Past Master and Most Excellent Master upon companions Shawn Clerf and Scott RandallSuper Fun.




Special Event

On 2/20/2016

Regional Lodge Planning Workshop

Ellensburg hosted a regional lodge planning workshop put on by a group from the Grand Lodge of Washington.  It was pretty informative.  The dining area is still under construction, but we made do.  We also had a great catered lunch!


Special Event

On 1/24/2016

The Widow’s Sons – Motorcycle Riding Club

held a meeting in our temple.  At the event they gave Charters to two new chapters.  Their website is here :  http://www.widowsson-wa.org/   Very interesting group and the website is certainly worth a look!  The gallery page has some great photos http://www.widowsson-wa.org/gallery.html



Master Mason

On 1/13/2016 we held a Third Degree for our brother Andrew Caveness.



A Brother Travels

On 12/16/2015 the Lodge bid a farewell to Bro Chris Beyer who is moving to Bellingham.  Chris was presented with a few small gifts from the lodge ie:  A book on Masonic History by Mackey, a book on Ellensburg History by Caveness, Honey from Bro. Justin’s farm, a MM Diploma and a certain apple pie flavored beverage from Bro. John Wilson.  Chris, we hope ours paths cross again soon.  Travel well Brother!


Master Mason

On 11/19/2015 we held a Third Degree for our brother John Wilson.



Lodge Officer


On December 7th, 2015 Ellensburg #39 held the 134th annual installation of Officers.

The cake decorator got the text right this time.  (See last year’s below).  We didn’t complain or anything, it was kind of funny and good to see thinking in action.



Regional Masonic


On 10/21/2015 A regional Masonic meeting was held in our building.  The Grand Master of Washington was in attendance and presented our brother Patrick Stanton with the Grand Master’s Achievement award.  Pretty Awesome!



Holy Royal Arch


On 9/26/2015 The York Rite Chapter conferred the degrees of Holy Royal Arch upon companion Evan Jones. Super Fun.  We’re all sitting down because it is a huge production, and we’re tired.

Sneak peak pictures below the main.

raffle 2015b



Riffle Raffle

Fund Raiser

One of the Lodge’s main fundraisers is an annual raffle.

Here we are with the Ellensburg Rodeo Royal court as the Rodeo Queen draws the winner.

raffle 2015d

This year the lucky winner wasDon Osmonovich of CleElum.

A Brand new shotgun!



Entered Apprentice


On 7/16/2015 A 1st degree was held for candidate John Wilson.



Master Mason


On 7/15/2015 Our brothers Evan Powell and Shawn Clerf were presented with Lodge Diplomas.  Shawn had been waiting for a while.



Master Mason

On 7/7/2015 we held a Third Degree for our brother Justin Vincett.




Master Mason

On 6/25/2015 we held a Third Degree for our brother Evan Powell.

degree maybe justin 1st



Fellow Craft

On 4/9/2015 we held a Second Degree for our brother Justin Vincett.


Most Excellent Master


On 3/14/2015 The York Rite Chapter conferred the degrees of Past Master and Most Excellent Master upon companions Evan Jones, Austin Marshall and Michael SmithSuper Fun.

Once you are a Mark Master, you get to choose a mark.

Some are sort of funny.



Entered Apprentice

On February 9, 2015 we held a First Degree for our new brother Justin Vincett.

Mark Master


On February 2, 2015 we conferred the Mark Master Degree for our new companions Austin Marshall and Scott Randall.  (center holding mallets and chisels.)


Hiram Award

On December 23, 2014 Several members of the Lodge made a surprise visit to Greg Maes to deliver him an award.  The award, The Hiram Award, is given for outstanding service to the Lodge.  Congrats to Bro. Greg Maes!

cake from 2015 install oooppps


Lodge Officer


On November 8, 2014 Ellensburg #39 held the 133rd annual installation of Officers.

We had a group of students from CWU help us to re-create this picture of the installation held in 1965.  Much remains the same!

The cake was ordered and the form was filled out as “Happy 133rd  –  #39 F&AM”.  The cake decorator must have thought that there was a mistake and nothing could be 133 years old.

“Happy 13th!”


Marshall Marshall

On November 10th, 2014 at the annual installation of officers, Bro Austin Marshall was installed as Marshall of the Lodge.  Just sort of cool, a little ‘catch-twenty-twoey’, but still cool.

On the left is Austin.  He is being given the jewel of his office by his brother-in-law Bro. Scott Randall.


Entered Apprentice

On October 8th, 2014 held a First Degree for our new brother Aaron Carlton.

rifle-drawing1rifle drawing 2

Riffle Raffle

Drawing 2014

We recently raffled off a riffle for a fundraiser. Here are five members of the Lodge with the Ellensburg Rodeo Royal Court.

The Queen drew the winning ticket on Sept 1, 2014.  Congratulations to Bill Fitzgerald!

A Mark Kyle Nicholson

Mark Master


On July 26, 2014 The Royal Arch Chapter conferred the Mark Master Degree for three candidates, Kyle Nicholson, Evan Jones and Michael Smith.

Marks chosen by Evan and Kyle are shown .

To learn more about what a ‘Mark Master’ is – click here.


Master Mason


On May 14, 2014 The Lodge held a Master Mason degree for Brother Michael Smith.

Brother Travis Estes attempted to elude the photographer. (click picture below main).


Master Mason


On May 14, 2014 The Lodge presented ‘Master Mason Diplomas’ to Brothers Michael Flecha, Austin Marshall and Michael Smith.

To see a picture of one of these diplomas – click here.

Graham Ron Temp version

Mark Master


On May 14, 2014 The Royal Arch Chapter conferred the Mark Master Degree for Ron Graham.

To learn more about what a ‘Mark Master’ is – click here.


Master Mason

On 4/26/2014 we held a Third Degree for our brother Austin Marshall


Holy Royal Arch


On 4/18/2014 The York Rite Chapter conferred the Holy Royal Arch Aegree Companion Wayne Erickson

This degree is the culmination of the Chapter Degrees and is the degree the building was designed to accommodate back in 1890.  That is not a type-o, not 1980, 1890!

council banner image

Cryptic Mason of the Year!

WB Marc Thompson

Our Brother Marc Thompson (center) was awarded Cryptic Mason of the Year at the York Rite Grand Sessions, on May 20th, 2013.  This is quite an honor.

WB Bob Johnston
65 Years a Mason!

Group photo of the guys in honor of WB Robert Johnston, celebrating his 65th year as a member of Ellensburg Masonic Lodge, on April 17th, 2013.


Master Mason

On 3/13/2012 we held a Third Degree for our brother Chris Beyer.


2009 Officer




2008 Officer



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